Wet Installable Tether Aeration System
There are cases when draining an existing basin, tank or lagoon to retrofit becomes problematic and expanding or augmenting diffusers or mechanical aeration equipment is not feasible. The AerTas “drop-in” designs can be installed, retrieved and adjusted from the liquid surface without interruption of service. The ballast block and tether design can be lowered and leveled from a work barge or boat without interruption of service or installed by divers. AerTas can be used with AerMax (fine pore) and AerGrid (coarse bubble) diffuser equipment.
AerTas support assembly detail.
AerTas with AerMax diffusers for a new installation of a municipal aerated lagoon. System installed in-the-dry.
Elevation of an AerTas diffuser lateral and leveling supports.
AerTas with AerGrid in a beverage waste pre-treatment system (retrofit of a static tube aerator system). System installed in-the-wet.
AerTas with AerGrid in a chemical plant wastewater process (augmenting existing static tube equipment retrofitted to AerGrid system design). System installed in-the-wet.
New construction of a municipal aerated lagoon using AerTas system with AerMax membrane tube diffusers.
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