Coarse Bubble Diffusers
AerShear coarse bubble diffusers in various sizes and shapes to satisfy specific wastewater aeration applications and physical conditions. The diffusers are furnished completely assembled and ready for installation. Each model is described below:
AerShear CB Disc Diffuser is circular in shape with integral air duct and shear plate designed to ensure complete uniform distribution of air over the entire operating range of air flows. The standard diffuser nominal length is 2.5 inches, measured from outside ends of the diffuser frame, excluding the pipe thread on the nipple used to attach the diffuser to the air distribution piping. The nominal diameter of the diffuser is 4 inches.
Model 150 is a perforated hollow cylinder with an integral air duct and plenum. Its nominal length is 15 inches and minimum diameter of 1.25 inches. This model is equipped with an umbrella check valve assembly to prevent wastewater backflow into the diffuser and air distribution piping. The check valve functions as an airflow control orifice as well.